Beat uncertainty
Adapt dynamically
Max DD*
We offer model portfolios that invest in popular ETFs, covering stocks, bonds, and commodities. Our model portfolios respond to changes in market dynamics on a weekly basis and adjust their allocations accordingly. We use state-of-the-art Bayesian statistics to find the right trade-off between diversification and concentrated investments to outperform traditional static long-term investment portfolios.
Sign up to receive weekly updates and use our built-in calculator to replicate our portfolios in your trading account.
Our model portfolios are based on Ray Dalio’s all-weather portfolio, which aims to maximize diversification by investing in highly liquid ETFs that cover equities, bonds, and commodity markets.
Read: All-weather portfolioWe use a custom Bayesian inference approach to identify regime shifts in markets, and to detect excess returns of certain asset classes in a fast and reliable way, while avoiding overfitting in the presence of market noise.
Read: coming soon...By finding the right trade-off between diversification and concentration, we substantially enhance the common all-weather portfolio by slowly adjusting positions in certain asset classes. Simple, yet effective.
Read: coming soon...Our model portfolios only consist of highly liquid ETFs that are available to trade at practically all brokers. We currently focus on US-traded ETFs, but we plan to add UCITS-compliant ETFs for EU investors in the near future.
Our model portfolios are adjusted on a weekly basis. However, you can choose your own update interval, and use our built-in calculator app weekly, monthly, or whenever you wish to. Our calculator tells you exactly how many shares to buy/sell, based on the balance of your cash account and any ETF shares that you already own.
Our dynamic allocation method uses Bayesian statistics to detect systematic shifts in markets by analyzing price fluctuations over time. However, you do not need to learn Bayesian statistics to profit from our model portfolios. You can simply get access to the latest allocation weights directly from us and trade along on your own account.
If you want to learn how to code such automatic trading algorithms, check out our comprehensive course. We will teach you all the basics as well as more technical aspects that you need to replicate our model portfolios in Python.