Invest with Code
We built with two goals in mind: first, if you are interested in active investing, we want to provide you with robust, intuitive indicators about markets, so that you keep an overview on stock markets, bond markets, and commodity markets. Our model portfolios use Bayesian statistics to find the right trade-off between diversification and concentrated investments, and allow you to trade along easily on your own account. Second, if you are further interested in programming (regardless of the languages you already know), we can teach you how to replicate our methods on your own, with your own code. Our interactive Python course will teach you basic as well as advanced methods used in quantitative finance. We believe that programming offers a very approachable way to math-heavy subjects, as code snippets can be iteratively tested and fiddled with to build an intuitive understanding of the inner workings of even very complex mathematical models. Ultimately, we hope that will democratize the field of quantitative finance a bit, and ease the entry into this fascinating field of research and practice.

Trained physicist, likes probabilistic models and complex systems, from living cells to financial markets. Always searching for patterns in biological, financial, and business-related data. I founded Artifact Research to accelerate the transformation of ideas and projects related to complex systems into full-fledged products and worked-out insights. is a project that has been on my mind for quite a long time, and I'm very excited to see it out in the open now!

Trained physicist passionate about software development, with expertise in biophysics, machine learning, and neural networks. I focus on infrastructure, website development, user experience, and visualization at our company. After postdoc positions at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and York University, I co-founded this company to shape my own projects and take pride in seeing them used and appreciated. My recent work includes a Nature Physics publication, and you can learn more on my personal website or Google Scholar profile.